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domingo, 5 de maio de 2019

The 12 Works !!!

"... And that morning Jah appeared before her twelve children and in each of them planted the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive
the gift and the function that was his. "
For you, ARIES, I give the first seed so that you have the honor of planting it. So that every seed you plant, another million seeds will multiply in your hands. You will not have time to see the seed grow because everything you plant will create more and more to be planted. You will be the first to plant the soil of the human mind leading to My Idea. But it is not for you to feed and care for this Idea, nor question it. Your life is action, and the only action I give you is to take the initial step to make men aware of Creation. For this work I grant you the virtue of Respect for yourself.
TAURUS, to you I give the power to transform the seed into great substance, and this requires patience; for you must finish all that has been begun, that the seeds may not be wasted by the wind. You must not question, for the execution of what I ask of you. For this I
I give you the Gift of Strength. Try to use it wisely.
To YOU, TWINS, I give the questions without answers, so that you can bring to all an understanding of what man sees around him. You will never know why men speak or listen, but in your search for the answer you will find My Gift reserved for you:
The knowledge.
To you, CANCER, I assign the task of teaching men the emotion. My idea is that you provoke in them laughter and tears, so that everything they see feels and develops a fullness within.
For this, I give you the gift of the Family, so that your fullness can multiply me.
For you, LION, I give the gift of showing My Creation to the world in all its splendor. But you must be careful about pride and always remember that you are My Creation, not yours. For if you forget this, men will despise you. There is much joy in what I give, if it is well done. For this you will have the Gift of Honor.
To you, VIRGIN, I ask you to undertake an examination of all that men have done with My Creation. You will have to observe with insight the paths that run, and remind you of your mistakes, so that through you, my Creation can be perfected. In order that you may do so, I grant you the Gift of Purity.
To you, LIBRA, I give the mission to serve, so that the man is aware of his duties towards others, so that he can learn the cooperation, as well as the ability to reflect on the other his actions. I will take you wherever there is discord, and by your efforts I will grant you the Gift of Love.
To you, SCORPIO, I will give you a very difficult task. You will have the ability to know the minds of men, but I will not give you permission to speak what you learn. Many times you will be hurt by what you see and in your pain you will turn against Me, forgetting that I am not Me, but the perversion of My Idea, which made you suffer. You will see both man and animal, and you will fight so instinctively in yourself that you will lose your way, but when you finally return, I will have the Supreme Gift of Fidelity for you.
To you, SAGITTARIUS, I ask you to make men laugh,
for between the distortions of My Idea they become bitter. Through laughter you will give men hope,
and by it you will turn your eyes back to Me. You will come to have many lives, if only for a moment, and in
every life you reach, you will know restlessness. To you, Sagittarius, I will give the Gift of Infinite Abundance, so that you can expand enough, until you reach every nook where there is darkness and bring the light there.
From thee, CAPRICORN, I want the sweat of thy forehead, that thou mayest teach men to labor. Your task is not easy, for you will feel all the labor of men upon your shoulders, but by the yoke of your burden, I grant you the Gift of Responsibility.
To you, AQUARIUS, I give the concept of the future, so that through you, man can see other possibilities. You will have the pain of solitude, for I will not allow you to personalize My Love. So that you can turn human gaze toward new possibilities, I grant you the Gift
of Freedom, so that, free, you can continue to serve humanity wherever it may be.
And finally, to you, FISH, I give the most difficult of all the tasks. I ask you to gather all the sorrows of men and bring them back to Me. Your tears will be, in essence, My tears. The sadness and suffering that you will have to absorb are the effect of the distortions imposed by man on My Idea, but it is up to you to take compassion upon him, so that you can try again. By this task I grant you the highest gift of all: you will be the only one of My twelve children who will Understand Me. But this Gift of Understanding is only for you, Pisces, for when you try
to spread it among men, they will not listen to you.
"Every one of you is perfect, but you will not understand
this until you are twelve ... "

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