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sábado, 4 de maio de 2019

Emptying ...

Now comes the moment to stay relaxed at home just resting, after a lot of renovation work on the energies of the house that every day becomes more pleasant without unfinished cycles, I think the stop is really this, to feel what brings us well being and serenity to the contrary of the energies that we are normally accustomed to seek of hatred, rancor, rage, euphoria and especially the gain, because today I realize that I live with the minimum of money that I need and sincerely this is much more than enough, today what I seek are just alternatives to have more and more free time to enjoy the best side of life and perform in a pleasant and happy way all that one has to do (although I know that in many moments my flesh and instincts are sovereign to my EU in this regard)
I know that I have done things that I regret even for my own family, but I think that all this was not in vain because today I can reflect humbly on the actions I have taken and the chain of unjust reactions that even if without intention I ended up generating. Whether we want it or not, we can not exempt ourselves from this guilt, because being human is that, being able to assess situations in the most varied contexts. I am about to close my 28 year cycle, the energy that I have felt at the beginning of this new cycle is very strong, I feel that I prepare for it every moment, releasing myself from the old habits conditioned by the impulse of the flesh, of course that everything is a process and is one thing at a time, but I'm sure I'm headed in the right direction.
All I can do is thank all the people who are by my side and this is the most important thing I have today, nothing would be able to replace these exchanges.
What I was yesterday is not what I am today, and what I am today is not what I will be tomorrow, and today I am at ease.

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