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domingo, 26 de maio de 2019

a mind full of rooms

It was a mind full of rooms, and in each room you are looking at yourself from the outside, each room represents your common attitudes when you have a certain feeling. What attitudes and you have when you are in the love room, think about all the actions you have. Now in the rooms that you can see that the colors are darker like the anger room, when we can always see ourselves sitting in a lotus position in the dark rooms, we will succeed. it will be possible? That should be enough to open the eighth portal.

segunda-feira, 20 de maio de 2019

the expulsion

In porto alegre, I am in 2019 but this happened about 6 years, one came fine people, was relating to a program girl, he was married and had 2 children my brothers with the ex-wife, and two more children with mine mother me and my brother red beard. They lived together for a while at my father's work, which I did internships with. Then it was mass that I accompanied all their tragedy smelling them, and also saw my old man buying chocolate bars to please her, that was mass. His ex-wife then found out, and they fought, it turned out that my father rented a house in the name of this woman in a village in Porto Alegre. It's just that the woman my father fell in love with has put another woman who was also a program girl in the house. Some time later the owner of the house called my father complaining that the women were making orgies with the area traffickers in the house, and the women were threatening to enter the bay and shoot, was generating a general conflict. The woman friend of the woman my father was relating to did not want to leave the house and the woman he related had disappeared. Then he called me and said: Mine we need to get this woman out of there. So I said: ta mamo vamo. Then, when we arrived, we knocked on the door of the house, she had a washing machine next to the door, and I hid there while the old man knocked on the door saying he wanted to talk to her. When she opened the door, I jumped back and took her by the shoulders and said, "It's going to be a good thing, it's going to be worse now." She said let me at least get my things, then I told her to wait there in the street that we reached for her, I still remember her scene coming out just like the "el Chavo del 8" on that day when he gets expelled from the village, it's not a story beautiful but that's what happened.

quinta-feira, 9 de maio de 2019

words at wind

Forget the words and ask, what does he say to me without saying anything? What is he feeling now? What intentions does the pupil tell you?

talk with me?

quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2019

Attention and Distraction

Have you perceived and deciphered the information the pupil gives you? It's to be distracted after passing the filter, but not so much. You have to pay attention to the way you look at others, and the kinds of reactions you have to a situation when you are not the perpetrator of immoral action. a pure look of reproof of certain behaviors may be a determinant of that concept being real to that being. A look with a sense of approval may mean support for that particular behavior

segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2019

Karmic Tarot

Make your karmic query and accelerate your evolutionary process in your mission here on earth. Consultation with karmic tarot helps in the processes with the closest people, relatives, spouses, friends and co-workers, with a comprehensive approach and associated with the knowledge of the old Kabbalah, helps in the dissolution of the accumulated karmas in our daily life that we do not realize or emotional overload we can not go on. Schedule your query by email or whatsapp, you decide the amount you will pay, after all common sense in this is also part of karma. Personal consultation and online feel the called me look for.
whatsapp: 5551982632165

Social Parasite

First, it will see you as a gateway to new possibilities of nutrients needed for your life.
Some offer you everything else just let you be you and listen to you.
They are easy to identify after some time due to some natural postures, such as: making you spin around their lives and speeding up their personal processes. It will hardly be portals for you, because when they dedicate themselves to the opening of a new portal it is because the others have already been drained in their totality, so they are people without friends of the past or relatives, sometimes it has but the number is reduced and the access does not is facilitated. Victimization is something very common in these people.

Jellyfish look

Build strength but do not petrifice yourself when they give you that jellyfish look with disapproving feelings and restraining your free will through emotional blackmail or catching you for your weaknesses.

Light effects with less light

The whole universe makes an effort for the light to happen. With quantum interlacing according to eistein the phantasmagoric effect at a distance is more rapid than the speed of light. Like when a tree is born and takes years to grow can be cut in seconds by man.

Foreign exchange

Stupidity is fighting for the change of others

All stuck

Process of releasing one more fear in progress with some noticeably completed steps.
A discontent with the image associated with a sense of rejection because of this, makes you more susceptible to cease to live things or at least expose your feelings for fear of rejection simply because you do not want to risk anything, because in truth if you think that this rejection will weigh very negatively, when in fact initially it seems to me that this was not what happened. I realized creating mechanisms of ego protection and disguise of this weakness, assuming a self with postures of non-exposure or more passive activity to some attitudes, unfortunately it was necessary to inhibit my pre-frontal wolf through alcohol to achieve this goal, but now I I need to be more careful not to let this kind of situation happen again. Perhaps in some more complex contexts I still have difficulty but I will be attentive.

Do not rush

When in doubt, wait, be careful with the inconsistency of the information that comes to you.
Intentions that make the behavior change in front of you mean something other than a fear of judgment? How to make this differentiation? Unfortunately this forces us to take a step back not to rush and keep watching.

Little but a lot

Expose your moral values ​​or expose judgment through bodily expressions or look of disapproval
reduces the possibilities of dialogue with the other

Competitive Dialogue

There are different forms of dialogue, one that is not legal is when someone says something they did or likes and the other person enters a state of competition with you and instead of giving continuity or talking about what you did or likes talk about something that she has done more "fuck" than you and directs every dialogue to herself. Or something she likes or thinks that leaves her in a tone of superiority or for higher moral issues or issues of freedom. If we get distracted our ego runs around the mundao doing shit ...

Other than by context!

Let it not be for lack of choice, not only for aesthetics, nor for specific attributes of the body "preferred" by us. Let it be only with incredible people because the rest is desperation to fill the void.

Center of attention

When we are born, we believe that we are the center of the universe, then our mother is paying attention to another child other than us. Our insecurity even after adults generate terrible reactions in the people around us. But only with the development of high esteem does it go beyond this point.

Frequency of Thoughts

Let's not look at the inside again. As the black alien says, there is no time to turn the trash of others. Let's take care of our own steps, filter what you feel and do not agree with what you want on your side, but do not worry about it just move away. Let's not judge ourselves higher just realize that those energies are not on the same frequency that you want to live.

All that had been left behind

A look of despair
I did not want to have to lie to my friends.
But this choice I've made a long time ago
When I choose not to accept that I am imperfect
I created some untruths and ended up imprisoning the glow of my gaze in a web of illusions.

Changing the way you relate

I'm going to report to you here a habit that I had and now it's in a moment if it's transformation inside me. I have always been very transparent, especially with the closest people, but with the not so close, I have always been very willing to create a bond of trust. Of face always I exposed my defects, values ​​etc ... the problem is that people use it against us and many of them prefer not to expose themselves so that their ego is not hurt, or how much they have an egoistic interest within the relation mascaram that so that you do not see that side of the person. but today I have allowed myself to be more observant, opening the pages in my book for people to read slowly, this does not mean to hide or hide, it is only because the exchange is beginning not to be so deep. I feel that this has allowed me to better choose the people I keep closest to me, people with basic values ​​and principles (not necessarily the same as mine) but necessary for a relationship, whether it is the kind that is healthier.

My Dream (Described by Fabrizio Arriens)

Neo-feudalism is crumbling When the old market closed the doors With the awakening inside The stone walls lost their strength (they were materialized by fear) The soldiers of the empire even tried But the king who was elected was not there Those who voted fought each other with swords Those who did not vote just wanted to run from there

domingo, 5 de maio de 2019

Reptilian Brain

For a scientific description see:

The reptilian brain is responsible for self-preservation and aggression. This is your primary function. It is already seen how much he is responsible for the situation of the person in life, his money, his health, his relationships, etc. Human behavior is in the direct function of the R-Complex. It explains why the tremendous self-sabotage humans make. Understanding the function of the Reptilian Brain means practically all human behavior, all the problems that exist on this planet and also what is the solution.

I'm not talking about crocodile brains. The R-Complex or Reptilian Brain is our brain. The deepest part of it.

It is of the utmost importance to understand how it works, because there the solution of the problems appears like magic pass. Have you noticed all the repetitive behaviors of self-sabotage that humans do? The R-Complex is responsible. Remember when I say that it is necessary to clear all the negative programming or pass through the catharsis? That's what all that programming is all about.

When it is associated with the limbic brain and the amygdala is unbeatable in handling.

In Daniel Goleman's book "Emotional Intelligence" is an extensive description of what an emotional kidnapping is.

All instinctive desires and fight / flight reactions come from him. Let's look at its characteristics:
All the reactions of aggressiveness with all the range of implicit violence stems from him. That's why it's so easy to create a war. Every time a person acts without thinking, he is actually thinking only of the reptilian brain. See the difference in velocity in the response to information between the amygdala and the neocortex.
The whole society is full of ritualistic behavior. It is essentially a function of the R-Complex. It is logical that these rituals imply a hierarchy. In all sectors of activity there is hierarchy. Every ceremony is based on this. This allows for domination, manipulation and exploitation.

Of course in a hierarchy the information is segmented so that only those who are at the top have all the information. Underneath each one knows only a small part. When I worked on data processing in a small company I had access to all the systems and all the programs of each system. All the information went through me. Later I went to work in a giant multinational and there only had access to a small part of a part of a system. Each analyst had access to only a tiny part of the system. No one could understand what the system was doing. Only the manager knew what that meant. If you understand how far information can be targeted you will understand just how few people really understand reality.

As information is power it is evident that the information can not be codified in a simple and intelligible way. It has to have multiple meanings. In this way you can say anything and only a few will understand the scope of what you are talking about. The reptilian brain is perfect for this. For he works with symbols. Symbols are extremely efficient for passing information and very economical. Look at a billboard on a road saying that for 29 kilometers you will find a certain diner. Just put the logo and the distance. All the rest of the information about the cafeteria is implied in the logo. The same applies to the idea of ​​power. One can symbolize the power so that whoever sees it knows with what it is dealing with.

This question of behavior before power (the reptilian brain is programmed to submit to power) is very clear when one experiences this. Once a data-processing manager was talking to me and having coffee. He held the coffee cup in his hands when he heard the director shout his name. The manager was paralyzed and did not know what to do with the coffee cup. If he could, he would have left the glass in the air and run into the principal's office. It took him a few seconds to concentrate and put the glass on a table and run off into the principal's office. Others may systematically be against the boss, even if this is illogical.

Insensitivity is another characteristic of the reptilian brain. You can see this in cruel treatments for animals, children, women, and weaker people in general. Look at our DVD about female genital mutilation to get an idea. Another way is rationalization. The other day I was having lunch and I heard a talk about a television series. One person said that the killer behavior of a leader was to defend the community! This is how millions of deaths in a war are justified, for example.

The reptilian brain loves to control everything that is possible.

No variable can be left out. Only absolute control matters and is pursued at all costs. This is a compulsive and infinite thing. It does not pass through him that there is anything like Chaos Theory, which prevents absolute control. In the same way the Uncertainty Principle is a nightmare for the R-Complex.

He abhors the indeterminacy and probabilities of Quantum Mechanics. Then you may have an idea where all the resistance comes from understanding Quantum Mechanics. Any information that checks the dominant view is immediately abolished. Without any analysis. If a person claims that the Earth revolves around the Sun it is burned at the stake!

In order to be able to absolute one has to control everything. One thing implies the other. In this way any view of the world that allows divergence of opinion should be abolished. Only a single worldview can exist. Hence we have the political persecutions, the wars, the Inquisition, the burning of books, the Library of Alexandria, the Library of Athens, the genocides, etc. In pursuit of a single control and absolute power.

One thing leads to another. In order to have absolute power one must have everything. Parties are not enough. Only everything will please. And this is a complicated thing because the Universe is great ... Hence comes the dissatisfaction with any amount of money that is earned, with the quantities of food beyond what is necessary to eat, with the compulsive purchases (remember that lady who had 800 pairs of shoes?), Etc. It is never enough. And possession has to be about everything and everyone. Nothing can be out of reach.

In order to own everything, you must control the territory. And each one marks the territory as it can. Some with atomic bombs and others peeing on the pole!
The sense of mastery gives great satisfaction to the reptilian brain. Do you remember that Nietsche said that there are only two types of happy people in this world? Those who have the reptilian brain totally in control.
All compulsion comes from the need to control, to possess, to dominate everything and everyone. This need is never satisfied, because the fear of not having enough is innate to the reptilian brain. So it is never enough.

Obsessive behaviors are the same thing. Fear is inherent in the reptilian brain. He fears all the time. Seeks absolute security all the time.

Imagine a car alarm that never turns off, even when you're driving the car !.

Of course, if we all seek total domination at all costs we will have eternal conflicts. That is exactly what happens. While a certain reptilian brain does not achieve absolute control, it submits itself to another. It's a form of security too. As long as he does not find a way to knock down what's above him. That is why the superior is always cruel and ruthless. You know that if you falter, the lower takes its place. In this way we have the hierarchies, which work so well. This allows you to face other competing hierarchies. Have you seen in Animal Planet a group of crocodiles eating an ox? Very instructive! This need to submit to ensure security allows wars and all atrocities, which are made "only by taking orders."

For the reptilian brain everything is a matter of survival of the fittest, fittest, most adaptable. Sound familiar? This justifies all the barbarity of wars.

From submission to worship we have only one step. It is a more efficient way of controlling by creating a worship than by having to breathe in fear all the time. It is more economical. Here also comes the maintenance of the status quo.

Of course, to create such a structure, there can only be one type of behavior. The stiffness, with nothing alternating or malleable. Without thinking, without questioning, without analyzing, etc. Every superstition is perfect for this. If not analyzed, it is possible to implant any belief or superstition in the most perfect way possible. Remember that it has been said that a repeated lie, the right number of times, will take real airs? Easier than taking candy from the little children or stealing the old lady's subway pass!

After a while, it gets easier because it's always been made that way! It's the tradition! Remember the story of the chimpanzees who beat up another chimpanzee simply because that's how it's always been done? And if a chimpanzee questions it, it will also be beaten.

Here too comes the view that this-world-is-all-that-exists. This world view gives a very nice sense of security to the reptilian brain. There is only what I perceive with my senses. That's why I can use cell phones and not think of waves. Any change in the status quo is seen as a threat and must be eliminated or ignored. That is why science advances funeral after funeral, as one physicist said.

The age-promoting system is also the reptilian brain. No matter the efficiency, but the age.

The system of laws is also faithfully followed by him. However absurd the laws are, they are followed. Failure to follow them has consequences for those below Alpha Male. The reptilian brain knows how to identify this promptly.

Any kind of belief can be implanted if it is repeated enough. History is full of these examples all the time. It works in function of all the features explained above. In the same way any culture can be easily implemented. Just have the means to spread whatever it is.

Feeling compassion for the pain of others is a sign of evolution. That would be a function of the neocortex. The reptilian brain is the reverse. For him everything is food.

Reptilian brain and psychic entropy are all about. Psychic entropy happens when we do not control our mind and let it "wander". Immediately the negative thoughts appear. This is because the energy has to be controlled or else it decays, that is, it loses energy and organization. For there to be growth there has to be an organizing mental focus. We have to control our mind so we do not have negative thoughts. Already know that whatever thoughts and feelings we attract. It turns out that if we control our mind (this is a function of the neocortex) the reptilian brain loses control. You have already seen that he is panicked about losing control, so he will do everything to get him back, that is, for you to have negative thoughts again. Sound familiar?

The dominant feeling of the reptilian brain is fear. Afraid of everything and everyone. This goes to the extreme fear of thinking that the world may not be as it is thought to be. This is an existential panic. Imagine the stress it causes. For the reptilian brain the space / time continuum does not exist. There is only now. Therefore, any trauma brought to memory causes the same reaction the first time. This is a valuable manipulation tool! And you know that all automatic organic functions are controlled by the reptilian brain. We do not have to think to breathe, digest food, etc. Think of the power the reptilian brain has to shape your emotions, your feelings, and your behaviors. This is how the person knocks the car to ruin the device that plays the cd!

Another feature is that it is a servo mechanism, that is, it does not learn from its own mistakes. This is a function of the neocortex. Therefore, the same mistakes will be made over and over again. Self-sabotage happens again and again. Always in the same situation, be it a job, a salary, a situation of improvement in life, etc.

That is why reptilian brain programming is done in childhood with complete efficiency. Everything the child experiences will be engraved with iron and fire. This behavior will be repeated by life outside. Unless it is deleted.

That is why reptilian brain programming is done in childhood with complete efficiency. Everything the child experiences will be engraved with iron and fire. This behavior will be repeated by life outside. Unless it is deleted.

The whole sexual issue is controlled by the reptilian brain, so everything concerning sex has a transcendental importance in our society. Because it is by sex that the reptilian brain is easily programmed. All brainwashing done with sexual trauma is extremely effective. Look at the cases taken as Multiple Personality Disorder. And the sooner the trauma is foiled, the greater the efficiency.

In view of the above explained what to do?

Do we want to be free or not? Do we want to be happy or not? Do we want evolution or not? It is simple to escape from all of this above. The simple change of consciousness. Consciousness creates reality. Changed Consciousness changed reality. No physical act is necessary. Just change consciousness. The world view. It is a purely internal change. The shift from consciousness to a new paradigm. Just change the worldview. Expand awareness of what reality is. It is possible to decrease and eliminate control of the reptilian brain. It can be fully transmuted. It is possible to be free of the reptilian brain. When one has reached the level of Consciousness of union with the Whole, it is free from the reptilian brain.

This is what Harmonic Resonance lets you do. That is the ultimate goal.

Prof. Hélio Couto

Duality 2

Duality 2
I was born one
But together we grew one more inside of me
Hiding in the depths that madman I've always been
Putting aside the dreams and wants of children
That would lead me to illuminate the 7 points and reach true wealth
A pot of gold after the rainbow being eternal child
I settled for fear, I got scared.
Of my truth I moved away
I lied to myself and others a lot of illusion I created
Poor of the universe that heaps of scrotal energy that I left
Very Karma I carried
But now I'm rescuing myself.
Peeling the onion just speaking truths
I no longer worry about suffering or vanity

evolutionary darkness

I myself expelled the paradise, Gula, anger and laziness really need to work a little more that. This is the only way, to humbly acknowledge our weaknesses and from there, as the raul would say, try again.
Stop now to hide behind everything that you have of good, that you already have, to take the next step is necessary to delve into the depths of its own abyss.
Feel the bad intentions that come from within your being ... Low self-esteem and over-competitiveness can lead you to feelings of repression (envy), desiring the things of others, bringing you bad feelings with the success of others.

The 12 Works !!!

"... And that morning Jah appeared before her twelve children and in each of them planted the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive
the gift and the function that was his. "
For you, ARIES, I give the first seed so that you have the honor of planting it. So that every seed you plant, another million seeds will multiply in your hands. You will not have time to see the seed grow because everything you plant will create more and more to be planted. You will be the first to plant the soil of the human mind leading to My Idea. But it is not for you to feed and care for this Idea, nor question it. Your life is action, and the only action I give you is to take the initial step to make men aware of Creation. For this work I grant you the virtue of Respect for yourself.
TAURUS, to you I give the power to transform the seed into great substance, and this requires patience; for you must finish all that has been begun, that the seeds may not be wasted by the wind. You must not question, for the execution of what I ask of you. For this I
I give you the Gift of Strength. Try to use it wisely.
To YOU, TWINS, I give the questions without answers, so that you can bring to all an understanding of what man sees around him. You will never know why men speak or listen, but in your search for the answer you will find My Gift reserved for you:
The knowledge.
To you, CANCER, I assign the task of teaching men the emotion. My idea is that you provoke in them laughter and tears, so that everything they see feels and develops a fullness within.
For this, I give you the gift of the Family, so that your fullness can multiply me.
For you, LION, I give the gift of showing My Creation to the world in all its splendor. But you must be careful about pride and always remember that you are My Creation, not yours. For if you forget this, men will despise you. There is much joy in what I give, if it is well done. For this you will have the Gift of Honor.
To you, VIRGIN, I ask you to undertake an examination of all that men have done with My Creation. You will have to observe with insight the paths that run, and remind you of your mistakes, so that through you, my Creation can be perfected. In order that you may do so, I grant you the Gift of Purity.
To you, LIBRA, I give the mission to serve, so that the man is aware of his duties towards others, so that he can learn the cooperation, as well as the ability to reflect on the other his actions. I will take you wherever there is discord, and by your efforts I will grant you the Gift of Love.
To you, SCORPIO, I will give you a very difficult task. You will have the ability to know the minds of men, but I will not give you permission to speak what you learn. Many times you will be hurt by what you see and in your pain you will turn against Me, forgetting that I am not Me, but the perversion of My Idea, which made you suffer. You will see both man and animal, and you will fight so instinctively in yourself that you will lose your way, but when you finally return, I will have the Supreme Gift of Fidelity for you.
To you, SAGITTARIUS, I ask you to make men laugh,
for between the distortions of My Idea they become bitter. Through laughter you will give men hope,
and by it you will turn your eyes back to Me. You will come to have many lives, if only for a moment, and in
every life you reach, you will know restlessness. To you, Sagittarius, I will give the Gift of Infinite Abundance, so that you can expand enough, until you reach every nook where there is darkness and bring the light there.
From thee, CAPRICORN, I want the sweat of thy forehead, that thou mayest teach men to labor. Your task is not easy, for you will feel all the labor of men upon your shoulders, but by the yoke of your burden, I grant you the Gift of Responsibility.
To you, AQUARIUS, I give the concept of the future, so that through you, man can see other possibilities. You will have the pain of solitude, for I will not allow you to personalize My Love. So that you can turn human gaze toward new possibilities, I grant you the Gift
of Freedom, so that, free, you can continue to serve humanity wherever it may be.
And finally, to you, FISH, I give the most difficult of all the tasks. I ask you to gather all the sorrows of men and bring them back to Me. Your tears will be, in essence, My tears. The sadness and suffering that you will have to absorb are the effect of the distortions imposed by man on My Idea, but it is up to you to take compassion upon him, so that you can try again. By this task I grant you the highest gift of all: you will be the only one of My twelve children who will Understand Me. But this Gift of Understanding is only for you, Pisces, for when you try
to spread it among men, they will not listen to you.
"Every one of you is perfect, but you will not understand
this until you are twelve ... "

sábado, 4 de maio de 2019

Lottery of Babylon

Lottery of Babylon - Raul Seixas
Go! Go! Go!
And shout to the world
That you're right
You learned everything
I was already speechless
It is now necessary
Shout and sing Rock
And demonstrate the theorem of life
And the chess tricks
Make chess!
You have the answers
Of the questions
Solved as equations
I did not know
And there's nothing left.
What to do not
Truths and truths
More Truths and Truths
For me
A declare!
Everything I had
To be cried
Already been crying
You have already fulfilled
The twelve works
Rewrote books
Steps of centuries
Signed duplicates
Invented decks ...
Spent the day
And slept at night
He repaired tapes
Pará with music
Knows Excerpts from the Bible by color
You know magic recipes of love ...
Meet on Mars
An old farmer friend
Who taught you to have
From the good and the best
Do it better!
But what you
Does not know full
It's like making money
But this is easy
And you will not stop.
You have no questions
To do
Because so you have truths
To say
A declare!

WATCH !!!!!

WATCH !!!!!

WATCH !!!!!

A break to live my culture.

It is not the same as a unique way of making roast beef. Traditional Gaucho Barbecue.

The mayonnaise is handmade made with 5 egg yolks cooked and 4 egg yolks raw mixed with 1 cup and a half of sunflower oil that leaves the taste softer.
A vinaigrette sauce made with vinagra purple onion and chopped tomatoes salt and lime to aperitivar with bread and sausage.
The meat is made in a grill of ceramic bricks embedded, can be increased according to the number of guests, always fit one more in the barbecue. The meat is the second meat with bone, the rib. Because it is closer to the bone, it receives a greater blood supply being tastier. It is made in pieces of 1.5Kg to 3Kg, being able to stay on fire for up to 2 hours depending on the size, becoming crisp, juicy, soft and with a unique flavor around the world.

Whatsapp: 5551982632165

I live in Brazil in the capital of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre. Still very close to people who lived in quilombos and with indigenous and Portuguese families, help me to keep the dissemination of these reflexes and ancient knowledge by donating to this and other projects that I participate.

What can not be forgotten

Personal attention ...
The counterculture has arrived, we will pick up our chest with the old books and pass on to our children, the ancient circles of books magic is easily found in the thalasseries and the anarcho-apocalyptic super heroes who insist on existing to aid in the rescue of the true essence. My dear Raulzito who died early, poor of money, plus one of the rare ones who had as his free time his greatest good, is forgotten in the midst of superficial analyzes of the true meaning of my favorite itinerant metamorphosis and lottery of Babylon. Tim Maya brought us that beautiful plain covered with rational flowers for whenever it is our rational moment helping our brother to break the mountain of feelings that interfere in the resolution of the breetas that we are finding along the way. I know the wheel of abundance that functions more or less like a beehive in that same shape, and I continue throughout my life to look for a way to work as a hive in a natural and healthy exponential growth.
I also lived the Wheel of Consciousness, which by intimacy comes and returns to this world to finish all that they have not yet achieved in another time, therefore the nostalgia is something that goes but it passes as time passes and also according to those consciences that we have pending things come back to try to complete the mission.
I surfed the 7, drank the best glass of wine, the one that came from a beautiful glass of wine with 9 crystals and all work that only a true Magician Of The Crystals would be able to perform.
I went through various lands and realized that the gift of purity was corrupted, passed the limits accepted within a flow of love, to find in this magic is the sum of the gifts as I whispered in the ear the witch stephania. I met Krishna, Buddha, Jesus and Ala, Black Alien (best singer), Ultramen, Criolo, Oriente, Raul Seixas brought me a train.
What I was yesterday is not what I am today, and what I am today is not what I will be tomorrow, and today I am at ease.
My little pearl is only what should give value, spend every second always at your disposal, to change, to smile run and to love, the most beautiful fullness of that familiar look that became known only in the subconscious for the true magic of life never reveal. In a burst of love she was born, love no longer lasted but the soul force that bound herself matter at that moment prevailed. At that moment I felt the other consciences that could not get through my whole subject matter.
Unfortunately it was not ready from the beginning, I do not know if this is good or bad, random free will or plot to accompany folks, like in the pessimistic novels, it is not kind gumbal simpsons, world of beakman few who are truly teaching.

Emptying ...

Now comes the moment to stay relaxed at home just resting, after a lot of renovation work on the energies of the house that every day becomes more pleasant without unfinished cycles, I think the stop is really this, to feel what brings us well being and serenity to the contrary of the energies that we are normally accustomed to seek of hatred, rancor, rage, euphoria and especially the gain, because today I realize that I live with the minimum of money that I need and sincerely this is much more than enough, today what I seek are just alternatives to have more and more free time to enjoy the best side of life and perform in a pleasant and happy way all that one has to do (although I know that in many moments my flesh and instincts are sovereign to my EU in this regard)
I know that I have done things that I regret even for my own family, but I think that all this was not in vain because today I can reflect humbly on the actions I have taken and the chain of unjust reactions that even if without intention I ended up generating. Whether we want it or not, we can not exempt ourselves from this guilt, because being human is that, being able to assess situations in the most varied contexts. I am about to close my 28 year cycle, the energy that I have felt at the beginning of this new cycle is very strong, I feel that I prepare for it every moment, releasing myself from the old habits conditioned by the impulse of the flesh, of course that everything is a process and is one thing at a time, but I'm sure I'm headed in the right direction.
All I can do is thank all the people who are by my side and this is the most important thing I have today, nothing would be able to replace these exchanges.
What I was yesterday is not what I am today, and what I am today is not what I will be tomorrow, and today I am at ease.

Misunderstood fire

Judge judges and judges without stopping

You forgot that each one is a star

Looking for your greatest well being

If I thought myself superior by an attitude or sense of love

I have already sinned the ego inflated

The line is dim as Alice enters the door

It grows and diminishes

It only passes the door when it no longer matters humility and understanding always vigilant without that left eye that is induced to be egocentric and arrogant

The way forward is the way of the

Only the power of fire can change you.

I pulled my vorpal sword from the wrongly judged Satan's magic

And the mercy of the water of Iemanja

For all that the cosmos guides me, do not burn

Interagi with animals taught me what is to love

If they're bothered they set fire and they do not get tired

Natural ying yang in this transforming plane

As in the enchanted crystal film

The posture of peaceful mystics need to change

Enough of those rotten crows that follow to rule

Holy grail

Time is too short To keep throwing garbage from the next We have a mission that comes from the cosmos But we insist on moving away Directing our eyes to judge him Inflating our ego as if ours were the only walk I do not realize that maybe every day that does not appear to us, the other is also light emanating With your own will and carnal impulses to balance Mind and body Fakir yogi on a ship the left eye was plucked Following the magnetic tone of the pineal bussola Will endogenous dmt be the holy grail?

7 points to illuminate 12 works to be done

Mercy to all and I become a crazy Beauty
Only by understanding your own will will you be able to understand the true nature
Create without prejudice, absorb with joy and understanding, divide from heart and strengthen with horniness
With the power of an emperor metaphorically use a transformative vocabulary, balancing in an integral way as in the board a noble player
Know, dare, want, and shut up, so help and listen to your guardian angel so you do not miss out on distraction.
Getting rid of the veil of the abyss, when you feel death, everything makes more sense.
But notice that in the senses there is a beautiful mermaid
That tries you with that beautiful look that brings a mental impulse disguised in will and already want to play me
But to tame the elephant one must get around
Take the reins of your way, for the victory to reach
Hermit without ego being the axis I surrender and my own fortune government
Water turning wine is honest, conscious about my own sacrifice resumption
Deconstructing cosmology, which became viral day after day
I connect with the Indian tribe, rastafari, cryo brother and aliens
Ashtar anarching total, at last I feel like an animal!

Any human

Once upon a time a human, he was a very agitated, impulsive, and driven human. From branch to branch he jumped intensely full of evil games, with glances that envy instead of admiration, with a feeling of competitiveness instead of cooperation, felt inferior but in the game of life did not know how to use it in his favor, let's be honest. repression took ... Played shit in a garden there, did not let beautiful flowers born there just because their nectar could not feel, wanted to throw the others down to be able to climb. now everything stinks of shit and the human does not feel more comfortable .... It is my dear human sorry but its behavior was pitiful.

Misinterpreted Metaphors

I discovered 7 seas and sailed, a pot of gold at the end of the inner rainbow I know that one day I will find.

Tearing the Veil

Climbing up the oldest mountain I become able to hear blue angels and subjugate the deeper demons, using all my own energy to silence in being as an active deity.

Iscariot Sayings

We are 12 virtues balancing the situations, balances organizing with the hearts, each one with its mission seeking within itself the experience that is the source of inspiration. Get rid of all expectation, all judgment and all competition so that I can be only truth and end the war made with dissimulation.

Forbidden "passion"

A man fell in love with that sacred and enlightened woman, who in no way surpassed the social expectations of a remote time when women were forced to repress their wills ... selfish that was, could not open hand of his ego without having the least notion of what it is to walk the madman's walk, did not do what he really wanted because it seemed out of the "social law" and got lost there.


It is possible to find valid arguments
not to exercise the highest self
care of the protection mechanisms
strengthen ego block sight
To understand the creation
much humility and truth on this floor
Do not let the dark your actions dominate
It ruins your gaze sad
Living this low frequency of energy
it is impossible to live fully in harmony


We need more strategy

applied to real life

Enable intuition

3rd view does not change channel

I warned you and I regretted it.
When I did not see you in game play
in real life does not continue
do not get distracted do not deceive yourself
For lack, do not change your attitude.
a partner is too good
but only when you're in the same vibe
please do not come with that reason
who does not see love coming out of your sight
transparency and trust is required
so that tears do not come and a dramatic face


It is not from the other that we have to charge the trust is of
ourselves that we should charge because our filter did not realize that that
person was not ready for that door you opened. EXPECTATION is always bad.


I was betrayed by a friend.
The most faithful Judas for Christ
Who does not understand is selfishness
He separated himself into the abyss
Not a cooperative brother.
I hesitated but hesitated
I loved you but I do not follow
this way is forbidden
disguised is forgotten
Only the brothers want me.

Good Scorpio

Be perspicacious, observant, intuitive
And yet always harmless
Go carefully do not become obese.
Intensity and depth in one thing, my friend.
The gift of faithfulness I am always working
So I'm living like a good Scorpio
Accelerating my processes and my hands
Recognizing your divine one by one we are calling
Our mental structures together reforming
Do not waste energy on things that will not bring joy.
My ascendant does not disturb twins the tedium is mo faia
We need to persist, shallow has a lot around
In fact I cried, I shuddered I did not succumb
In the abyss I immersed my ego I met
I run and run away from this shadow
The veu de daath discovered

gift of life

I discovered a gift

The seeds are endless

Day after day sowing

Even in those who serve the loki

But anyway

I already met this bad god.

Creating Roots in Me

I can not get lost like this

Because without it we will finally have

The long awaited

Endless harvest

I hid myself, I was alone

For what to hide
What do you think and what do you feel?
With open arms I come to you
In order to build us
Each person is a universe
Information a big bang of sensations
That they were never felt
Transpose the realities
Understand us with humility
Accelerate our being
Intimacy to get involved
Open-chest without hiding
Blonde princess, are you going to regret it?
Of standardization? From the opinion?
Prince Charming, you will not see
I went to the bar to forget
That dream is from tv
The perfect bubble will not live.
Because it does not exist
Joy in Opinion

A Bud of Lotus was born

A bud was born
And it was growing
Arrived into adulthood
And every recognized brother
A new twig was born
From a few leaves formed
But the respect there was enough
And he that hideth there
The branch dried up and my intuition
Forgiveness does not mean staying close
It means that it will not return that energy of hate
To the brother lost in the illusion
That the American capeta grafted
Through the coca cola culture barbie nike ostentation and goal

Flying high

Out of cocoon the butterfly
new skills talents
will perform your prowess
Always moving forward with change
express your being with confidence
e seeks the internal energy that brings you abundance
Like the seagull that flies high through the seventh sea
And seek the rare fish under the moonlight
Learning also the nocturnal navigate
To be the fernao capelo example to the world
And so one by one joined
And a band in sync formed
Until falling the hanging gardens
That only makes my people tense
And away from the thick bush
We just need a little more common sense.
Fear anger and boredom keep you from smiling
Vibrates a little higher
Without the fear of falling
Rely on intuitive brightness
And thought in your own being the shelter


Welcome to my temple.

Come in love Respect good sense

Im soon

Be a gift within reach

It is always very good

In exchange I will not ask anything

But I ask you, is love your law?

For whoever feeds hate

You owe for three

What I cultivate is all I live

How can I see a brother without a shelter?

What I gave was all I got

The road is long and narrow I did not succumb

I want abundance for me and for you.

Outside it's just duality I did not forget

The board has been broken.

Lotus on earth took root

Gray are scared

The dark cabal is falling

With the deconstruction of the egos

Buddha said was the way

The gardens of Babylon hahaha are crumbling