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terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2021

A monkey in the jungle finds a spider web in ties

     Once upon a time, a monkey that was in a forest where the animals looked sick and were dying. With all the monkeys, each one was on its own branch. one day the monkey is faced with a large and confused web, it was huge there was a guy with orange skin inside it that caught his attention, because he was a very famous guy. Then he approached and started looking through the holes in the web, each time he could catch more and more of what was happening. 

    An orange guy was complaining that another guy was doing something illegal by taking bananas from side to side. besides, the orange guy complained that the little monkey with the pulled eye was doing wrong things on his land, ecologically incorrect, consuming a lot of energy with illegal bananas.

The galactic monkey approached on the other side of the spider web, when he saw a hairy monkey leaning against the web with his eyes shining as if he wanted to say something to him, then he approached.

The hairy monkey started to tell him about what was happening inside that web, that what was happening there would change things that happen outside the web a lot. The galactic monkey took a while to understand what he was told, but after finding some ancient manuscripts that translated the language he was able to understand that, he needed to understand the value of transporting bananas that was very important and would change the way monkeys relate to bananas and found that it was a great deal. the name of this business was da da tis.